Don't wait for rain
Irriteci asutamisaja võib paigutada aastasse 1974, mil Itaalias, Capo D'Orlandos loodi peamiselt PVC-plastikust pritsimisseadmete liitmikke ning klappe tootev pereettevõte. Esialgsest 18 töötajaga väikeettevõttest kasvas peagi suurtootmine, mille uued tehased avati Hispaanias, Mehhikos, Ameerika Ühendriikides, Brasiilias ja Tšiilis. Irriteci sellisele arengule andis tõuke kiire reageerimine uutele suundadele põllumajanduse ja kastmissüsteemide valdkonnas - 80ndatel tekkisid uued mikrokastmise praktikad, mis levisid eelkõige Lähis-Ida riikides, Ameerika Ühendriikides ja Araabia maades, kuid jõudsid ka Itaaliasse, tuues kaasa Irriteci tootearenduse niisutus- ja kastmisvoolikute valdkonnas. 90ndate esimeses pooles, kui Irritec tõi turule tilkkastmisvoolikud, sai ettevõttest kastmissüsteemide turu liider. Tänaseks annab Irritec tööd enam kui 700 töötajale, turustab tooteid 140 riigis ning panustab endiselt kastmissüsteemide valdkonna arendamisesse.
Irriteci kastmissüsteeme iseloomustab kasutajasõbralikkus, pikk eluiga ning kiire ja lihtne paigaldus. Sortiment on väga lai ning sobiva lahenduse leiab iga kasvataja.
Irritec's founding year can be placed in 1974 when a family-owned company was established in Capo D'Orlando, Italy, primarily producing PVC plastic fittings and valves for spraying equipment. The initial small enterprise, consisting of 18 employees, soon grew into a major production facility, with new factories opened in Spain, Mexico, the United States, Brazil, and Chile. Irritec's rapid development was fueled by its swift response to new trends in agriculture and irrigation systems. In the 1980s, new practices in micro-irrigation emerged, spreading primarily in the Middle East, the United States, and Arab countries but also reaching Italy. This led to Irritec's product development in the field of irrigation and driplines. In the early 1990s, with the introduction of driplines, Irritec became a leader in the irrigation systems market. Today, Irritec employs over 700 people, distributes its products in 140 countries, and continues to contribute to the development of irrigation systems.
Irritec's irrigation systems are characterized by user-friendliness, long lifespan, and quick and easy installation. The product range is extensive, ensuring that every grower can find a suitable solution.
Märkus: Toodud on 2023. aasta hinnakataloogi hinnad!
Note: The prices provided are from the 2023 price catalog!
Irriteci tootevalik on väga lai ning kõiki erinevaid tarvikuid meil laos ei ole. Seetõttu soovitame meiega ühendust võtta ja vajalikud tarvikud hiljemalt aasta lõpu seisuga ette tellida. Kogu tootevaliku ja hindadega saab tutvuda hinnakataloogis. Enim nõutud tarvikuid hoiame me laos ning nende kirjeldus on ka koos hindadega välja toodud. Sügisel tarvikute ettetellimine on vajalik ka seetõttu, et kevadisel ajal on toodete nõudlus väga suur ja need lõppevad otsa nii meie laost kui tehasest.
Irritec's product range is very extensive, and we do not have all the various accessories in stock. Therefore, we recommend contacting us and pre-ordering the necessary accessories by the end of the year. You can familiarize yourself with the entire product range and prices in the price catalog. We keep the most requested accessories in stock, and their descriptions are also provided along with prices. Pre-ordering accessories in the fall is necessary because demand for products is very high in the spring, and they run out both in our warehouse and at the factory.
Note: The green dot in the last column of the product table indicates that it is a standard solution; the gray dot suggests a custom order, which implies both extended delivery times and minimum quantity requirements. Prices do not include VAT.
Siit saad alla laadida Exceli tabeli, mis hõlbustab kastmissüsteemi planeerimist. Hetkel suudab see küll vaid kõige levinuma tilkkastmisvooliku võimaluste hulgast parima valida ja ette antud süsteemi veevajaduse arvutada (nt pumba valimiseks). Edaspidi püüame sinna lisada ka vajalikud liidesed ja pehmevooliku.
- You can download an Excel sheet from here that facilitates irrigation system planning. Currently, it can only select the best option from the most common dripline and calculate the water requirement for the given system (e.g., for pump selection). In the future, we aim to add the necessary fittings and layflat to it.
Laos / in stock: FNFL120301C (16 mm, 0,3 mm / 12 mil, 30 cm, 1,5 l / h, 1700 m) - 240,40 € + km